- Pricing

How much will an appointment cost? 

Transparent healthcare is important to us, especially when it comes to upfront costs. Please note our prices listed below.

Extra charges apply for services such as minor surgical procedures and travel vaccinations, or if additional things are identified within your consultation.


Medicare rebates will apply for those with Medicare cards (MR)

Initial Consult for New Patients:  60-90min - $550 | MR $122.15

Subsequent/Recurring Consults:

  • 30 min - $250  | MR - $82.90

  • 45 min - $350  | MR - $122.15

  • 60 min - $420

Infusions: 30-60 mins - $250 | MR - $122.15

Deposit (Deducted from your final invoice) - $100

Repeat Prescription (Call or Text your Concierge) - $30


Initial Consult for New Patients:  60min - $850

Second Opinion/Follow-Up: 60min - $900

Subsequent/Recurring Consults:

  • 60 min - $800

  • 30 min - $400

  • 15 min - $250

Deposit (Deducted from your final invoice): $400

Repeat Prescription (Call or Text your Concierge): $50

Specialist Physiotherapist

Initial Consult for New Patients: 

  • 60 min - $320

  • 45 min - $280

Subsequent/Recurring Consults:

  • 60 min - $300

  • 30 min - $180

Exercise Physiologist

Initial Consult for New Patients:  60min - $320

Subsequent/Recurring Consults:   30min - $32

Deposit (Deducted from your final invoice) - $100

Medicare Rebates apply to all Medicare card holders. 
*Rebates for a standard consultation are indicated below, this may vary depending on your 
* If you are on a Mental Health Care Plan or Enhanced Primary Care Plan you will be eligible for a rebate.

At the time of your payment, we’ll credit your Medicare rebate to either your debit card or the bank account you’ve registered with Medicare.

Medicare Thresholds
If you’ve reached your Medicare threshold for the calendar year, your out-of-pocket costs will be less than those stated above. Visit Medicare’s website and search for ‘thresholds’ if you’d like more information. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/medicare

Cancellation Policy 
We are aware that life happens. If you can't make your appointment please give us notice so we can contact the next person on our waitlist.

  • 24 hours prior : No Cancellation fees

  • 12 hours prior : 50% of fees

  • No-show : Deposit is forfeited and full fees will be charged prior to booking your next appointment

Fees are paid in full prior to departure. We accept all major credit and debit cards. Surcharges apply for all but EFTPOS debit cards.

- What can I expect?

Your first appointment can take up to 1.5 hours.

We know, it seems like a lot. However, this model of care ensures that every woman who walks through our doors is given the time required for us to understand who she is, as a person and a patient. There will be a small form to fill out prior to the appointment, but this will primarily be about family history.

Your subsequent GP consultations
will be a minimum of 30 minutes

We’ve found that on average, medical forms are long and tedious, and that the best exchange of information is in the room, when a physician has the opportunity to listen to a patient tell their story. 

Your first appointment will involve:

  • Registration with our reception team

  • A registered nurse will take your vitals and go through some of the details listed on your pre-appointment form. They will use this window of time to get to know you a little better as they will be an important part of your healthcare team moving forward. 

  • You will then have your GP consultation, which will take up to 45 minutes. This will give you and your physician time to create a solid foundation for your Ponti Health journey moving forward. Good health outcomes are built on trust-based doctor-patient relationships and having your full story on file - both of which take time and are part of our commitment to slow, personalised medicine. 

  • Before you leave your first visit with Ponti Health, you will meet your dedicated Health Concierge who will help you coordinate any tests you may need to have and future appointments.   

We know that this isn't the norm. Most of us are used to the rush of 10-20 min appointments. However, midlife healthcare rarely follows a straight line so we allow the time for thorough check-ins to manage any changes to treatment or preventative measures that will benefit your health long term. We believe there is a direct correlation between longer consultations and improved quality of patient care. 

- Our Specialists

Dr Anna Connellan


Dr Gaurav Tandon

Dr Connellan is an experienced GP with a special interest in women’s health. Her love of science and maths initially drew her to complete a degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Sydney. After working in Engineering roles, she realised that she preferred people rather than machinery and went back to the University of Sydney to complete a postgraduate degree in Medicine. Dr Connellan is a committed professional with over 15 years experience across a range of disciplines. She is a compassionate and diligent GP who works tirelessly to provide the best care for her patients and is recognised by her patients and peers for her clinical skills, judgement, professional conduct and personable communications.

Gaurav is a general Psychiatrist and a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand college of Psychiatrists. Specialising in the management of mood disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, anxiety spectrum disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. He has a developed a special interest in women’s health and impact of neuro-hormones in psychiatric conditions. He is currently undertaking a specialist course from Women’s Mental Health suite developed by the HER Centre Australia at Monash University, under the guidance of Professor Jayashree Kulkarni. Gaurav has
extensive experience of working at various major teaching hospitals in Sydney and
rural NSW alongside his work in the private sector.


Aleea Newton

Aleea, a former elite athlete pursued a career in physiotherapy after having experienced a personal journey with musculoskeletal issues. She is passionate about integrating expertise in both musculoskeletal and pelvic health physiotherapy to offer holistic care for women. Aleea has a special interest in pelvic girdle pain, urinary and faecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, painful intercourse, bladder and bowel dysfunction along with pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Aleea can treat the entire spectrum of peri to postnatal and menopausal care.

B AppSc (Biomedical Science), B Physio

Jordy Mitchell 

Exercise Physiologist
B App Sc(Ex&SportSc), M Clin Ex Phys

Jordy provides services tailored to women, to address common health issues such as: exercising during perimenopause, menopause, your menstrual cycle, stress incontinence, abdominal cramping, weight loss, pelvic floor dysfunction, abdominal separation, doming and prolapse. She has additional qualifications: Cert 3&4 in Fitness; Advanced WAG Gymnastics Coach; Cert II Sports Coaching; Dry Needling.

- Why do I need…

Why do I need a specialised GP?

Why do I need a Psychiatrist? 

Why do I need an Endocrinologist? 

Why do I need a Gynaecologist? 

Why do I need a Physiotherapist? 

Why do I need an exercise Physiologist?

GPs are the frontline of healthcare for the entire population. The sheer volume of knowledge that they need to do their job, means that most GP’s have areas of medicine that they are more or less confident with. At Ponti Health, our GP’s knowledge and education is focused on women in their mid-life stage - the hormonal aspects, preventative health and the range of physical and mental health issues that can arise. 

We have created a support structure for our GPs that gives them more time with each patient and 8 weekly multidisciplinary ‘Peer Reviews’ that create a co-learning environment for them to regularly gather knowledge from different practitioners, which ensures better patient outcomes. 

The impact on mental health is one of the unspoken challenges of menopause. Shifts in hormone levels and brain chemistry can affect mood and cognition, resulting in brain fog, anxiety, mood changes and can impact quality of life, even in women without a history of major mental illness.

During perimenopause, fluctuations in oestrogen levels can affect mood, sleep, joints and menstrual cycles. Endocrinologists specialise in conditions related to the endocrine glands and hormones and can prescribe treatments and medication to help ease symptoms.

A lot of women think that once you hit menopause, there’s no more need for a gynaecologist. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Oestrogen deficiency can lead to several gynaecological challenges for women like vaginal atrophy, chronic urinary tract infections, incontinence and postmenopausal bleeding.

Oestrogen plays a major role in bone health and the drop in hormone levels can result in bone density conditions like Osteoporosis. Likewise, urinary frequency or urgency can be linked to weakening of pelvic muscles. Physiotherapists are best placed to diagnose these conditions and to create a management plan to strengthen specific areas. 

Exercise is an essential part of your midlife toolkit. However, in order to avoid injury, it’s important to adapt your regime to meet the requirements of your body at this stage. An exercise physiologist specialises in understanding how movement affects the body. They provide specialised guidance on strength training to improve bone health and muscle mass, both vital for preventing osteoporosis and maintaining mobility.