Ponti is derived from the Italian word "ponte," which means "bridge."

What began as one woman’s story of ‘falling through the cracks’ has evolved into a specialised and comprehensive health service to support women aged 40-65 as they transition through the peri to post menopausal stages.  

Midlife is not what it was a generation ago. 

Today, women in their forties and fifties are in the full bloom of raising families and careers, often simultaneously. They’re in the most economically and socially productive time in their lives but instead of hitting their stride, many are falling off the radar. 

-How are we different?

- The Four Pillars of Ponti Health


Flourish is at the heart of Ponti Health. It drives everything from our patient outcomes to team collaboration. Flourishing is part of our human design. We flourish in different ways, throughout our different stages of life. We believe it’s  a daily invitation to bloom from where we are planted.


It’s our job to seek and gather the best research available. It’s also our job to understand our patient’s journey. We stay informed by listening, collaborating and constantly learning. This allows us to curate an evidence-based, personalised roadmap to wellbeing that works.

- How are we different?

Ponti Health is a one-stop-shop of medical excellence that provides wraparound healthcare from physicians, specialists, and allied health practitioners. We also have on-site nurses for patient and physician support.

We curate a personalised roadmap for patients over a 12-24 month period.

Patients are assigned a Health Concierge to help navigate their health journey and to secure appointments with internal and external providers.There is also a texting service for any queries pre or post appointment. 

We’re not just about prescribing for menopause, this is about individual health and wellbeing. Our holistic approach is designed to create health outcomes that empower women to feel good and function well through midlife and beyond. 

We’ve put a lot of thought into creating a beautiful space that feels welcoming, inspiring and nurturing.

Our community social page offers ongoing support and resources in between visits. 

PH’s ‘Ninja List’ is a curated resource of the best complimentary services in Sydney and our top recommendations for various practitioners, books and podcasts..


This is not ‘tick-a-box’  prescriptive medicine. We meet every woman where she is with an understanding of her unique health needs and how they will change along the journey. This is healthcare built on relationship, trust and adaptability.  


Being human is not always easy, especially when life is in transition. Ponti is healthcare that holds the space for you to show up as you are. We believe that the best patient outcomes start with feeling seen, heard and respected. 

When it comes to navigating perimenopause and menopause - women struggle to get a straight answer and they don’t have time to connect the dots between the chaotic world of wellness, Dr Google and fragmented healthcare. 

The mission of Ponti Health is to build a bridge of menopausal healthcare that is visible, accessible, informed and appropriate. We want to empower more women to shine throughout this phase of their life because the world needs their experience, care and smarts, more than ever..